Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Miss Chlovelle Faith
10:03 AM
Miss Chlovelle Faith!!Is what i would say when she kicked me real hard!And dearest babyfied would be like"Why you miss chlovelle faith her?"Then sayang her, say she cute?!?!Aww i miss babyfied,today the weather turn better,he should be start his live firing today,and im going out in 10 mins!I am outgrowing all my dresses,even the ones that are loose on me before pregnancy,ofcourse will feel a lil sad, but babyfied is often very excited when i outgrown them.Telling me Chlovelle is growing!Oh well~There will be shopping today,guess i'll get a few dresses that will last me for another 2 months (=Today will be a happy day.Love,YanwenLabels: Life in Texas, Our baby