Friday, February 06, 2009
My greatest fear
2:39 PM
Sidetrack a little,babyfied is not working today,thus he slept with me through the night, morning and noon.Sweetest sleep in this week.Now, i really cant sleep well without someone beside me.Just now when i woke up,i couldn't feel Chlovelle moving. I rub rub my tummy,poke her, call her and do whatever i can.SHE FREAKING DIDNT MOVE!!I didnt alarm baby,who is outside with his com,i call and call her, rub her,still no signs of her moving.I seriously got really frighten and call baby loudly,he came in, and i told him Velle not moving.I ask him to listen her heartbeat.He put his ear on my tummy,no sound, then he try another area....Within that few secs, i felt like i made the longest prayer to God that she is alright.Prayer answered,baby look up smiling telling me her heartbeat was really clear, loud and fast.He started calling her and she moved......Why i call her she refused to move leh?Baby said she recognise her name now,and she move when he call now.See, velle loves daddy.I always thought,having a smooth pregnancy,which i mean is having to have the baby delivered is a sure thing.But now, i believe its a blessing to have a baby surviving through the pregnancy,and got to be delivered out.And i also found that,how much she meant to me,and i cannot afford to lose her...And i like the feeling that she is all OURS.A precious little girl, Chlovelle.YanwenLabels: Our baby