Thursday, February 05, 2009
Third Trimester Nightmare
2:28 PM
Being pregnant may be easy as it may seem.Just continue what you are doing,keep yourself occupy,be happy, then TADAHHHLittle angel is out.That happen only when you are dreaming (=I believe even some mothers can have the easiest pregnancy ever,they bound to have some difficulties at each trimester.But if you look on the bright side of it,it will pass you sooner than you think.My first trimester.Nausea feeling, extreme exhaustion, sensitive to smell.My nausea problem isnt as great as others,but i hate to vomit and fear it too.Whenever i feel like vomitting, i eat,bread or biscuit, and keep the vomit down.It works!Some days i couldnt even go out,because i feel so nausea,i'm afraid i puke on my shirt.And i ONLY can take cars if only baby is driving.Not that other ppl drive suckly,but only baby drive the smoothest and not jerky at all.I can wake and eat,then sleep, then eat and sleep.Like pig, keep on wanna sleep.So damn tired as if i carry loads everyday.And there was a time,i conquer my nausea-nessand when out with sour candies and medicated oil.Once i reach the shopping mall.WOAHH~The smell of the mall makes me retch and retch.My eyes got teary and i breathe thru my mouth.Buey tahan, told baby and we went back home.Not on purpose, but it just happens.The thing is, the mall has no special smell.HAHA! My second trimesterI tell you,it was a BREEZE man,i was happy, cheery, glowing.And even my cheeks were rosy.Second trimester was love!I eat well, even better i suppose.Going to buffet, and kept eating.No heartburns nothing.Leaking colostrum is the only problem.I woke up having a big patch on my shirt,my bedsheet.And it goes on and on and on.Even if i am doing my business,i GEK, colostrum also wanna come out.To a point i wore my bra to sleep, with nursing pad.But 2nd tri was good,tummy wasnt too big,i move around freely.And her kicks arent that painful still.Adorable kicks. LOL!Third TrimesterHalfway thru my third now.Well, maybe its almost done!Snap into reality that pregnant isnt a temporary thing.Excuse me, yanwen! You are really having a baby!They dont disappear after 9 months ok!Its gonna come out!Then you will go, AH!Its a lifetime thing,what im carrying is a lifetime commitment,lifetime love.Then even if you are not ready,you SHOULD must be, you will be.To be truthful,i dunno how to feed a child,cant bathe, cant burp, cant change, cant sootheand never done any of these before.I work with toddlers, who are tougher.But something in you, just tells u, you can do it!I know its must more difficult than what im imagining now.But please, we are alone with our newborn,A-L-O-N-E !Could you be feeling more frantic than us?My worst enemy during third tri is guilt and self doubt.What can be worst than that?Oh and also unstable emotion.I think is my unstable emotion leads to guilt and self doubt.Like hey,why are you pregnant here when you know nothing!?You want your child to suffer right.that kinda thinking.But im sure every child is different,Chlovelle HAS to adapt to our way of parenting.There is no right way of bathing/ carrying/ feeding the child.She just have to accomodate with us.Maybe she will? Fit us perfectly like a puzzle.I hope months from now,i can tell you happily and proudly.SHE IS A GREAT ADDITION TO OUR FAMILYTo end this,i wanna thank my precious hubby.For supporting me always.He's the best! Best that he can be!Not perfect, but just nice for me (=61 more daysYanwenLabels: Our baby