Thursday, May 13, 2010
My Plans
9:53 PM
Have been thinking what shall i do when i go back to SG....
After settling down with velle,
hope she will adapt to the time and weather in Singapore.
Hope jetlag will last for a week the most.
Dread to train her to sleep by herself again,
she might have difficulty in sleeping in the play yard for a month.
After she have settled down,
i might train her to use the potty.
Since she is walking now, using the potty wouldnt be so difficult.
Just yesterday,
i remove velle's diaper before bathtime,
she walk a few steps then squat down to pee,
which ofcourse got smacked by me...
Got diaper dont pee, pee on the floor..............
And today,
i was happily video-ing her while she bathe,
and she walk to the side of the bathtub and POOP!
Again, in her squatting position.
She might be ready to be potty train (:
Cant wait..
Once she turn 18 months,
she will need to go school,
and i will look for a part time job.
I will still be taking care of her myself,
cause she has a foul temper and is super attached to me.
So, let's see how it goes. (:
Yesterday we went for a swim with Lili and Janet.
Velle loves the water, just like her mummy!
I remember when i was preggy,
i love taking baths.
And everytime i do that,
i will talk to velle, telling her to love water as much as i do.
I think she heard me. haha!
I paste lots of stickers on her face and brought her to see her own reflection.
Chlovelle doesnt recognise her own reflection yet,
as she doesnt peel off the stickers on her face.
I read that toddlers wont "know" their reflection till the age of 2,
or maybe nearing 2.
These few days im getting her to speak words,
as i know she understands them.
Currently she can say :
mum mum ( eat)
Tu tu ( pacifier)
Oh ( when we say uh-oh)
She loves calling her dad,
but not me!
So irritating...
She will go, Daddy, busy~ at times..
Hope she talks more, so she can express herself better.
Labels: 13 month old, Chlovelle 11 days old, talking, Videos