Saturday, February 06, 2010
Nothing is wrong?
10:51 AM
We are just back from the PD.They checked her, even did a lab test and found nothing wrong with velle baby.No coughNo runny noseGreat lungsLooks wellNo blisters on limpsNo rashesNo sores in her mouthHer ears looks greatSo whats wrong with her?LOL!Headache and relief at the same time.At least she is ok,maybe just no appetite?Hmm..One thing about velle,is that she doesnt get fever.When she had ear infection when she is 2 months old,PD was surprise she didnt get fever too.Fever is a sign of infection or something is coming up,but she doesnt have it so????Just have to monitor her.Hope her appetite comes back man!She has the immunity of her Dad..Strong like a bull.