Saturday, June 06, 2009
Bought alot of new things for Velle
11:21 PM
Chlovelle is better already.
She is drinking alot better than past few days,
back on her 3 hrs schedule now.
Today had conflict with the desk nurse AGAIN.
But baby say lets not make the matter big,
just get Chlovelle cured.
We have not been treating Chlovelle as she is sick,
just like normal, and i believe she will feel that she's fine too.
She's on antibiotics now, and will make her poop looks red!
Will be like BLOOD, but its not.
Hope i wont freak out.
And so,
she is having antibiotics, 2 times a day,
ear drops, 3 times a day
reflux medicine 2 times a day.
And the antibiotics makes her poop very deadly,
which now she had diaper rash,
even i change her diaper almost immediately.
She have VERY sensitive skin.
Poor girl.
Past few days or weeks i have been buying Velle alot of things.
New lightweight blanket,
new towel,
new onesis,
new onesis in long sleeves,
new headband,
new infant carrier,
new neck float,
new swimmies,
new play yard.
Thats all i can remember now, not sure if there is more.
Hmmm. HAHA!
And she is very responsive now,
and totally loves her bouncy seat COW.
Maybe because she's born in the year of the ox!!
She respond very well to me,
*beaming proudly*
Which is because im her primarily caregiver,
and totally loves babyfied too!
One funny thing happen today,
we will kiss each other in front of Velle,
to let her know Daddy&mummy loves each other and loves her too.
She is falling asleep, but upon looking us kiss,
she smiled at us when she is actually sucking her pacifer.
We laugh at her reaction, and she continously smiled at us,
So cute righT?
Our little darling!
Her new play yard or napper.
Now she wont fall off her bassinet le,
she is gonna nap in this during the day.
It is similar to Singapore style play pen,
except this has more features. I love it!
Assembling it.
Right side is the changing station,
left side is a canopy, for a cozy feel.
If you wont want the canopy or changing station,
can flip it over.
It has 2 types of vibration to calm baby,
5 types of nature sounds,
5 types of lullaby,
a timer,
a nightlight to check baby.
Like so cool right!
And happy little Chlovelle says BYEBYE!!