Wednesday, December 23, 2009
11:36 PM
The weather here is kind of unpredictable and horrible at the same time.Like today,its so warm, too warm for winter.Chlovelle have a hard time falling asleep as her room was 24 degrees.I have already set the fan in speed 3.After 2 hours of fighting with her,baby advise me to on the aircon.Not that im stingy dont on aircon in the first place,but tomorrow's temperature is like negative 1????So now that velle sleeps in her thin PJS,the temperature will drop dratically in the midnights,then what?I need wake her up to wear more?Hai.I hate the weather changing part of a season.Good news anyway,hubby will not be working tomorrow! (xmas eve)But he will be working late for today(:Then hope to drop by walgreens,and toysrus to probably grab some gifts for the kiddos.Buying gifts for people is so fun!Fly money, fly.....Later part of the day will have potluck at winnie's house!Will be fun!