Thursday, May 07, 2009
Try not to let your baby get frighten
8:55 PM
From my title,
you should be able to guess my dearest got scared.
Past few days have been really rough for me,
Velle feeding reduce to 90ml.
Use to be 150ml and above.
Now everytime she would drink 80-100ml then start crying!
Burp her & she would suck on my shoulders,
which means she is hungry.
Try to feed her again but she would scream
once the nipple is put in her mouth.
Hungry but didnt want to drink.....
She sleep lesser,
each time she would wake up crying LOUDLY,
cause she got frighten in her sleep.
Poor girl.
i couldnt put her down AT ALL!
The most 20 mins,
she would start crying, unable to be soothe by pacifer,
unless i carry her up.
She could sleep well.
It has been tough on me.
But im sure Velle wasnt feeling like herself too.
Ways to help her feeding problem:
1) swaying her and feed her
2) let her suck pacifier then, pull out, pop milk bottle in
3) talking in EXTREMELY high pitch to distract her and pop bottle in
4) wait for her to fall asleep and pop bottle in (these take 1.5 hours ok!)
5) let her drink in nipple size 2, then change to size 1 for slower flow
6) blowing wind in her face to distract her
7) singing chinese songs to her ?!?!?!
8) let her sleep till she cry then feed her again
9) change diaper first so she forget about milk then feed her again.
im going out of ideas soon.
I should be going crazy by now,
but but but, its only thursday!!
Baby wont be free to take over,
so i must not loose my cool....
Not yet.
Its frustrating because she cries for milk,
and didnt want to drink.
So i need come up alot pattern to help her.
Imagine me doing this for 5 times a day?
Even in the middle of the night at 3am???
oh my goodness...
And the reason why she became like this,
is because that day of baby friend gathering.
Remember the sushi buffet??
She cry non stop that we needa bring her home?
Yup, that fateful day.
One of baby's friend crawl under the table to get into his chair,
he accidentally KICKED velle stroller,
causing her to wake up in shocked!!!
And from last friday till now, she's been really insecure.
Mummy hope u will get better darling!
Its hard for both of us,
but hope it passes soon!
And ofcourse,
im upset with the person,
why cant he be more careful???
I already sit at the inner most corner,
away from all the harm already...
Labels: 7 weeks old, Chlovelle got scared