Sunday, November 30, 2008
Tired but happy
2:53 AM
A rough update.FridayWe watched BOLT.IT IS EXTREMELY CUTE!And again, Disney pixar's movie has meaning behind it.WATCH IT!I kept laughing la,BOLT IS SUPER CUTE,RHINO THE HAMSTER IN THE BALL IS REALLY FUNNY!MITTENS THE CAT IS JUST CAT LOH. lolHad dinner that made my stomach unwell,must be due to the spicyness?But when i eat i dont feel spicy leh.Saturday.Brought baby's friend to get his TV.and they bought WII too.DAMN FUN!and they are nice,2 person, bought 3 controller.WHY?Just for baby.AWWWWW~so swweet right?i can imagine the 3 of them playing there like every weekend liao. (=I got pictures, but so lazy to post now.And a bagful of velle clothing >.<Love,Yanwen