saw a friend of mine blessing another friend of mine a bible.. the sight was.. woah! the friend that got blessed with bible was really happy.. (= it was a wonderful sight.. God's love this made my day..
And.. was chatting with sarah.. she damn cute.... seriously.. i think she is at the point of breaking down cause she is trying hard to upload pic and.. i ofcourse offer my help
[[`` ®aNboW PriNceSs ]]* Just wanna spent time with people i love˚ *SpArKLinG rANboW* says: u bluetooth ur pics to me i upload for u
(= and her reply was..
s a r a h * says: cant la s a r a h * says: we so far s a r a h * says: how blue tooth
i almost died in front of my com.. muahahhaha died laughing.. first time she react this way.. whatta cute side of her.. and ofcourse.. she made my night.. hahahhaa!!!