Thursday, October 27, 2005
7:20 AM
I left with 2 more days..Left with 2 more days,den get to know mrs chan more..wasted.i wish we had this talk earlier, like maybe 2-3 months ago.we talk about the story behind us.what really causes me to be soft-spoken.hahahA!and she also shared her life story.feel closer to her, and yes, i love her!i do. its true.since im young, i feel pressurize by my family.learn this learn that.but ya, i appreciate it, cause it help me alot!table manners, abacus, mental calculation.poems. blah blah blah.since young i need to live with fear,eat must greet all of family membersif sit not properly, will get to hold is driving me cause me to be timid.and i decide to shut myself up i parents dun live together.and when i young, i will lie to my friends and truly i hate it alot.why me?hahahA!now its diff, because of God, i dun more 'why me'i love my life, even i know it will gets tougher,God pushes my potential to the most end..A teacher gave me a voucher today.. thanks!hahha dunno what bookshop one..she asked me whether i got find any job.i say no,she say can call her.. she have job..hahahaheven mrs chan ask me got find another part time job not..oh no no no.. i nv!hahaha..Blessed.. 31st of oct..Hippo's last day,thats y today keep hug my little angels.well, they love to hug me too what..Class chinese teacher once ask the children 'look at ms chong, what is she'? (funny question right?)ANSWER:'pillow'diaoZzz!ya la.. they like to hug my leg, my hand.. twirl around pillow chong..nice huh.God! thank you for the time i had with mrs chan!i just wan to praise u, for being with me the whole day.even at times, i feel like crying out,u presense encourage me to hold on..'yan wen, u can do it'..